Lightsoutshootinggym is a small basketball gym geared towards players of all ages. The gym is a place to get a great workout and fine tune their game either with their coaches or one of our trainers. Lights out has 4 hoops and 1 dribbling station which allows athletes to stay busy at all times. While in the gym all basketballs, blocking pads,defenders,dribbling glasses, resistance bands,jump ropes,cones, hurdles, ripstick, off hand shooting pad and dribbling gloves are accessible to you for your workout. All your athlete needs to do is show up with their water bottle and basketball sneakers ready to put in the work.
Founded in 2019 this is a first of its kind in the Lynn community and has been long over due for our youth to be able have access to a gym to be able to get in all year long.
What each athlete puts into their skill will show on the court.